A complete workshop which equips a 

student to become a candidate

Why btS360 Campus Workshops

We are an ideal partner for conducting college campus workshops due to our engaging, interactive approach that keeps students actively involved and enhances retention. The workshops focus on industry-relevant skills, delivered by experienced trainers who bridge the gap between a student and a candidate. With customizable content tailored to specific needs, BTS360 ensures alignment with academic career goals and industry expectations. Additionally, these workshops offer valuable networking opportunities, boosting students’ employability and connecting them with industry professionals. Overall, BTS360 provides a comprehensive, practical learning experience that prepares students for successful careers.

Workshop Topics

Career oriented Soft Skills

Career-oriented soft skills include effective communication, teamwork, and problem-solving, which are essential for professional success.


Resume building involves crafting a concise, compelling document that highlights your skills, experiences, and accomplishments to effectively showcase your qualifications to potential employers.


Interview skills involve the ability to effectively communicate your qualifications, experiences, and fit for the role while demonstrating confidence and professionalism during an interview.

Mock Interview rounds

A mock interview is a simulated practice session designed to help individuals prepare for real job interviews by providing feedback on their performance and improving their interview skills.

Career oriented Soft Skills

Career-oriented soft skills include effective communication, teamwork, and problem-solving, which are essential for professional success.


Resume building involves crafting a concise, compelling document that highlights your skills, experiences, and accomplishments to effectively showcase your qualifications to potential employers.


Interview skills involve the ability to effectively communicate your qualifications, experiences, and fit for the role while demonstrating confidence and professionalism during an interview.

Mock Interview rounds

Interview skills involve the ability to effectively communicate your qualifications, experiences, and fit for the role while demonstrating confidence and professionalism during an interview.


CampusWorkshop include comprehensive training on essential soft skills like communication, teamwork, and problem-solving, combined with tailored sessions on creating impactful resumes that effectively showcase qualifications. Participants will also gain practical interview skills through interactive workshops, learning to present their experiences confidently and professionally. The program culminates in mock interviews, providing valuable feedback and hands-on practice to ensure readiness for real job interviews.

Who is this
Program for

  • Students | Freshers | Job seekers who lack confident, job skills, essential soft skills.
  • Who wants to understand the changing industry fresher hiring trends
  • Who like to be trained on aspects which a company expect from a fresher for hiring
  • Who wants to be a job ready candidate

Workshop Structure

Session 1

      1. Job Orientation program

  • Overview of the Job Market
  • Identifying Career Opportunities
  • Understanding Job Roles and Responsibilities

      2. Resume Building 

  • Crafting a professional Resume
  • Highlighting Key Skills and Experience
  • Tailoring your Resume for different Job applications

      3. Interview Skills 

  • Preparing for interview
  • Effective Communication Technique
  • Common Interview Question and How to Answer them. 

Session 2

     1. Group Discussion

  • Techniques for effective Group Discussion
  • Practice sessions with real-time feedback

      2. Aptitude and Problem Solving

  • Enhancing logical and Analytical thinking
  • Practice Problem and Solutions

      3. Mock Interview

  • Simulated Interview Questions
  • Personalized feedback from industry Experts  

Post-Workshop Opportunities and Rewards

  • At the end of the workshop, based on students performance and skills, selected few students will be offered 4-week internship at BTS360. This internship is designed to fit around academic schedule, ensuring studies are not affected.

  • Awarding Certificate of completion to recognize their efforts and the skills they have developed during the workshop. 

Program Structure


10 sessions on specific topics
1 session on soft skills
1 session on resume building
Sessions on Saturday


1 month of internship training
2 months of internship in client’s project
4 hours a day
5 days a week
Monday to Friday

What do you get as an Intern
with us


Exposure to entire sales process in different client projects


Customized training on selected skills by Industry experts


Training certificate issued after assessment done by the experts / mentors

Internship Letter

Internship experience letter issued after successful completion


Letter of recommendation and client appreciation letter.

* After satisfactory performance through out the internship period.


Tharun J

College Student

I’m really glad that I m part of Edukadu. I was a fresher when I just began the journey but now with the help of my team leader, I’m able to work very effectively. It’s a great place for students who are looking for internship. A great platform where you improve sales and communication skills.

btS360 Testimonial 2

Harini Sree

College Student

My name is Harini Sree. I completed my graduation in 2023 as an engineer. Despite my engineering background, I have a keen interest in the marketing field. Recently, I secured an internship with BTS 360 (formerly GetSupport) in the sales department. I am thrilled about this opportunity as it allows me learn the sales aspect of business. During this internship, I have been learning invaluable skills such as effective communication and sales techniques. My team leader has been incredibly supportive, providing guidance on how to interact with people and excel in sales. I feel comfortable asking him any queries, and his day-to-day guidance has been instrumental in my learning journey. Through this internship, I have gained insights into various strategies for successful sales. I am grateful for this experience. 

Ambika Sharma

Career Restarter

Bts360 is a great place to work; prior to joining, I didn’t know how to handle clients because this is a new job for me. However, I’m learning new things every day on this platform, and everyone is supportive, especially my team leader, who has guided me every step of the way. When I first joined, my communication wasn’t good, but when I do my self-evaluation, I find that my communication is better than it was. Overall, I had a positive experience with Bts360.


This is suitable for:

Colleges / Students searching for Career Oriented Soft skills, resume how to build, resume building classes, training and placement, practice mock interview, interview preparation, etc.,

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